151. Main features of hill climbing algorithm is ______.
- Generate and test variant
- No back tracking
- Greedy approach
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- Hill Climbing is a generate-and-test variant that does not backtrack.
- It uses a greedy approach to move towards the best neighbor state.
152. ______ is the problem in Hill climbing searching.
- Local Maximum
- Plateau
- Ridges
- All of mentioned above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of mentioned above
- Hill Climbing can get stuck in local maxima, plateaus, and ridges.
- These are common problems that prevent the algorithm from finding the global optimum.
153. In ______ we escape local maxima by allowing some “bad” moves but gradually decrease their frequency.
- Hill Climbing
- Simulated Annealing
- Mini max
- Alpha beta pruning
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Simulated Annealing
- Simulated Annealing allows some “bad” moves to escape local maxima.
- The frequency of these moves decreases over time, helping the algorithm converge to the global optimum.
154. Simulated Annealing is ______ optimization technique.
- Local
- Global
- Both Local and Global
- None of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Global
- Simulated Annealing is a global optimization technique.
- It is designed to find the global optimum by exploring the search space more thoroughly.
155. Simulated Annealing is a ______ algorithm, the algorithm does not use any information gathered during the search.
- Memory equipped
- Memory less
- Processor equipped
- None of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Memory less
- Simulated Annealing is a memoryless algorithm.
- It does not use any information gathered during the search to guide future moves.
156. The process of annealing can be simulated with the metropolis algorithm which is based on ______ techniques.
- Closed form solution
- Monte-Carlo simulation
- Numerical Transformation Method
- Proposed Method
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Monte-Carlo simulation
- The Metropolis Algorithm used in Simulated Annealing is based on Monte-Carlo simulation techniques.
- It uses random sampling to explore the search space.
157. Adversarial Search uses ______ environment
- Collective
- Competitive
- Cooperative
- Both Collective and Cooperative
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Competitive
- Adversarial Search is used in competitive environments where multiple agents compete against each other.
- Examples include games like chess and tic-tac-toe.
158. General game involves ______ agents
- Multi
- Single
- Only single and multi
- Neither single nor multi
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Only single and multi
- General games can involve either single-agent or multi-agent scenarios.
- The nature of the game determines the number of agents involved.
159. ______ search methods only consider how close the agent is to the goal state.
- Multi-agent
- Single-agent
- Both single and multi-agent
- None of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Single-agent
- Single-agent search methods focus on how close the agent is to the goal state.
- They do not consider the actions of other agents.
160. In ______ games, decisions of both agents have to be taken into account: a decision made by one agent will affect the resulting search space that the other agent would need to explore.
- Single player
- Two-player
- No Player
- Both Single and Two player
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Two-player
- In two-player games, the decisions of both agents affect the search space.
- Each agent’s move influences the possible moves of the other agent.
161. To formalize a two-player game as a search problem an agent can be called ______ and the opponent can be called ______.
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. MAX, MIN
- In two-player games, the agent is often called MAX (aiming to maximize its score), and the opponent is called MIN (aiming to minimize the agent’s score).
- This is the basis of the Minimax Algorithm.
162. MINI MAX Algorithm is perfect for deterministic and is a ______ game.
- Single player (Computer)
- Two-player (Computer and User)
- Single player (User)
- None of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Two-player (Computer and User)
- The Minimax Algorithm is perfect for deterministic two-player games.
- It is commonly used in games like chess and tic-tac-toe.
163. Free cell, 8-puzzle, Rubrik’s cube is an example of ______.
- Deterministic Multi player
- Deterministic Single player
- Non-Deterministic single player
- Non-deterministic multi player
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Deterministic Single player
- Free cell, 8-puzzle, and Rubik’s cube are examples of deterministic single-player games.
- The outcome is determined solely by the player’s actions.
164. Tic-tac-toe, Chess, Checker is a example of ______.
- Deterministic Multi player
- Deterministic Single player
- Non-Deterministic single player
- Non-deterministic multi player
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Deterministic Multi player
- Tic-tac-toe, chess, and checkers are examples of deterministic multi-player games.
- The outcome depends on the actions of both players.
165. In ______ game, one player maximize result, another player minimize result.
- Zero-player
- One-player
- Two-player
- Thee-player
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Two-player
- In two-player games, one player aims to maximize their result, while the other aims to minimize it.
- This is the basis of the Minimax Algorithm.
166. ______ is the time and ______ is the space complexity of MINI MAX Algorithm.
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. ,
- The time complexity of the Minimax Algorithm is , where is the branching factor and is the maximum depth.
- The space complexity is because it stores the current path in the stack.
167. The minimax algorithm performs a complete ______ exploration of the game tree.
- Breadth-first
- Depth-first
- Best-first
- None of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Depth-first
- The Minimax Algorithm performs a depth-first exploration of the game tree.
- It explores each branch to the maximum depth before backtracking.
168. Is MINI MAX Search complete if tree is finite?
- May be
- No
- Yes
- Rather not say
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Yes
- Minimax Search is complete if the game tree is finite.
- It will eventually find the optimal solution if one exists.
169. For making decision of win/lose, we apply ______ algorithm on game tree.
- Greedy search Algorithm
- Hill Climbing Algorithm
- Mini Max Algorithm
- BFS/DFS Algorithm
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Mini Max Algorithm
- The Minimax Algorithm is used to make decisions about winning or losing in game trees.
- It evaluates all possible moves to determine the best strategy.
170. In Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm, Pruning ______ the final result.
- Might affect
- Does not affect
- Affect
- Sometime affects, sometime doesn’t affect
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Does not affect
- Alpha-Beta Pruning does not affect the final result.
- It only reduces the number of nodes evaluated, improving efficiency without changing the outcome.
171. Why it is called Alpha-Beta? α is the value of the best ______ choice found so far at any choice point along the path for max.
- Lowest value
- Average value
- Highest value
- Infinite value
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Highest value
- In Alpha-Beta Pruning, represents the highest value choice found so far for the MAX player.
- represents the lowest value choice found so far for the MIN player.
172. ______ is a modified version of the Mini Max Algorithm.
- Hill climbing
- Alpha beta pruning
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Alpha beta pruning
- Alpha-Beta Pruning is a modified version of the Minimax Algorithm.
- It reduces the number of nodes evaluated by pruning branches that cannot influence the final decision.
173. To ______ depth does the alpha-beta pruning can be applied.
- 12 states
- 5 States
- 1 States
- Any depth
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Any depth
- Alpha-Beta Pruning can be applied to any depth in the game tree.
- It is not limited to a specific number of states or levels.
174. In alpha-beta pruning, the initial value of alpha is ______ and beta is ______.
- Negative Infinity, Positive Infinity
- -1, +1
- Positive Infinity, Negative Infinity
- +1, -1
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Negative Infinity, Positive Infinity
- In Alpha-Beta Pruning, the initial value of is negative infinity, and is positive infinity.
- These values are updated as the algorithm explores the game tree.
175. The main condition which required for alpha-beta pruning is?
- alpha>=beta
- alpha=beta
- alpha<=bet
- alpha!=beta
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. alpha>=beta
- The main condition for Alpha-Beta Pruning is .
- When this condition is met, the algorithm prunes the remaining branches.
176. The 2 types of move ordering in Alpha-Beta Pruning are ______ and ______.
- Best ordering, Ideal Ordering
- Worst ordering, Ideal Ordering
- Best ordering, Random Ordering
- Worst ordering, Random Ordering
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Worst ordering, Ideal Ordering
- The two types of move ordering in Alpha-Beta Pruning are worst ordering and ideal ordering.
- Ideal ordering maximizes pruning efficiency, while worst ordering minimizes it.
177. In Alpha-Beta pruning, With “perfect ordering,” time complexity = ______.
Show me the answer
Answer: 1.
- With perfect ordering, the time complexity of Alpha-Beta Pruning is .
- This significantly reduces the number of nodes evaluated compared to Minimax.
178. Identify the type of knowledge in Artificial Intelligence.
- Procedural and Declarative Knowledge
- Meta Knowledge
- Structural and Heuristic Knowledge
- All of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of above
- In AI, knowledge can be procedural, declarative, meta, structural, or heuristic.
- These types of knowledge are used to represent and reason about information in AI systems.
179. ______ Knowledge is also known as Imperative Knowledge.
- Procedural
- Meta
- Structural
- Heuristic
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Procedural
- Procedural Knowledge is also known as Imperative Knowledge.
- It involves knowing how to perform tasks or procedures.
180. ______ is non procedural, independent of targets and problem solving.
- Procedural Knowledge
- Declarative Knowledge
- Meta Knowledge
- Structural Knowledge
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Declarative Knowledge
- Declarative Knowledge is non-procedural and independent of specific targets or problem-solving methods.
- It involves knowing facts and information.
181. ______ is a knowledge about knowledge and how to gain them.
- Procedural Knowledge
- Declarative Knowledge
- Meta Knowledge
- Structural Knowledge
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Meta Knowledge
- Meta Knowledge is knowledge about knowledge and how to acquire it.
- It involves understanding the nature and structure of knowledge itself.
182. ______ represents a knowledge of some experts in a field or subject.
- Procedural Knowledge
- Declarative Knowledge
- Heuristic Knowledge
- Structural Knowledge
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Heuristic Knowledge
- Heuristic Knowledge represents the knowledge of experts in a field or subject.
- It involves rules of thumb and practical strategies for problem-solving.
183. ______ talks about what relationship exists between concept/objects.
- Procedural Knowledge
- Declarative Knowledge
- Heuristic Knowledge
- Structural Knowledge
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Structural Knowledge
- Structural Knowledge describes the relationships between concepts or objects.
- It involves understanding how different elements are connected.
184. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning represents information from the real world for a computer to understand and then utilize this knowledge to solve ______.
- Simplest real-life problems
- Complex real-life problems
- Neither simplest nor complex problems
- None of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Complex real-life problems
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning is used to represent real-world information in a way that computers can understand.
- This knowledge is then utilized to solve complex real-life problems.
185. Different kinds of knowledge that need to be represented in AI are ______.
- Object, Events, Performance, Facts
- Knowledge base
- Meta knowledge
- All of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of above
- In AI, knowledge about objects, events, performance, facts, knowledge bases, and meta knowledge needs to be represented.
- These types of knowledge are essential for reasoning and problem-solving.
186. ______ is the technique of knowledge representation in AI
- Logical Representation
- Semantic Network and Frame Representation
- Production Rules
- All of above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of above
- Logical Representation, Semantic Networks, Frame Representation, and Production Rules are all techniques used for knowledge representation in AI.
- These techniques help in organizing and reasoning about knowledge.
187. ______ is a language with some definite rules which deal with propositions & has no ambiguity in representation.
- Semantic Network representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Logical Representation
- Logical Representation is a language with definite rules that deal with propositions.
- It ensures there is no ambiguity in the representation of knowledge.
188. In order to give information to agent and get info without errors in communication, we use ______ technique of knowledge representation.
- Semantic Network representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Logical Representation
- Logical Representation is used to give information to agents and retrieve it without errors.
- It provides a clear and unambiguous way to represent knowledge.
189. ______ work as an alternative of predicate logic for knowledge representation.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Semantic Network Representation
- Semantic Network Representation is an alternative to predicate logic for knowledge representation.
- It uses nodes and links to represent relationships between concepts.
190. ______ knowledge representation consists of < condition, action > pairs
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Production Rules
- Production Rules consist of < condition, action > pairs.
- These rules are used to represent knowledge in a way that can be easily applied to solve problems.
191. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of objects and their attributes.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Frame Representation
- Frame Representation is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of objects and their attributes.
- It is similar to object-oriented programming.
192. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a graph of nodes and links.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Semantic Network Representation
- Semantic Network Representation uses a graph of nodes and links to represent knowledge.
- Nodes represent concepts, and links represent relationships between them.
193. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of rules.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Production Rules
- Production Rules represent knowledge as a set of rules.
- These rules are used to infer new knowledge from existing knowledge.
194. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of logical statements.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Logical Representation
- Logical Representation uses logical statements to represent knowledge.
- It is based on formal logic and provides a precise way to represent information.
195. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of frames.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Frame Representation
- Frame Representation uses frames to represent knowledge.
- Each frame contains slots that represent attributes of an object or concept.
196. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of if-then rules.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Production Rules
- Production Rules represent knowledge as a set of if-then rules.
- These rules are used to infer new knowledge from existing knowledge.
197. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of nodes and links.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Semantic Network Representation
- Semantic Network Representation uses nodes and links to represent knowledge.
- Nodes represent concepts, and links represent relationships between them.
198. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of logical statements.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Logical Representation
- Logical Representation uses logical statements to represent knowledge.
- It is based on formal logic and provides a precise way to represent information.
199. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of frames.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Frame Representation
- Frame Representation uses frames to represent knowledge.
- Each frame contains slots that represent attributes of an object or concept.
200. ______ is a knowledge representation technique where knowledge is represented as a set of if-then rules.
- Semantic Network Representation
- Logical Representation
- Frame Representation
- Production Rules
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Production Rules
- Production Rules represent knowledge as a set of if-then rules.
- These rules are used to infer new knowledge from existing knowledge.