5. Concept of Computer Network and Network Security System
5.1 Introduction to Computer Networks and Physical Layer
- Networking Model, Protocols and Standards
- OSI Model and TCP/IP Model
- Networking Devices (Hubs, Bridges, Switches, and Routers)
- Transmission Media
5.2 Data Link Layer
- Services, Error Detection and Corrections, Flow Control
- Data Link Protocol
- Multiple Access Protocols
- LAN Addressing and ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
- Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet), 802.4 (Token Bus), 802.5 (Token Ring), PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
- IEEE 802.3 Standard
- Wireless LANs
5.3 Network Layer
- Addressing (Internet Address, Classful Address), Subnetting
- Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF, BGP, Unicast and Multicast Routing Protocols)
- Routing Algorithms (Shortest Path Algorithm, Flooding, Distance Vector Routing, Link State Routing)
- Network Layer Protocols: ARP, RARP, IP, and ICMP
- IPv6 (Packet Formats, Extension Headers, Transition from IPv4 to IPv6, Multicasting)
5.4 Transport Layer
- The Transport Service, Transport Protocols
- Port and Socket, Connection Establishment & Connection Release
- Flow Control & Buffering, Multiplexing & De-multiplexing
- Congestion Control Algorithm
5.5 Application Layer
- Web (HTTP & HTTPS), File Transfer (FTP, PuTTY, Win SCP)
- Electronic Mail, DNS, P2P Applications
- Socket Programming, Application Server Concept
- Concept of Traffic Analyzer (MRTG, PRTG, SNMP, Packet Tracer, Wireshark)
5.6 Network Security
- Types of Computer Security, Types of Security Attacks
- Principles of Cryptography, RSA Algorithm
- Digital Signatures, Securing E-mail (PGP)
- Securing TCP Connections (SSL), Network Layer Security (IPsec, VPN)
- Securing Wireless LANs (WEP), Firewalls
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