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201. Sound pressure levels are measured in ______.

  1. Decibels.
  2. Ounce
  3. Pound
  4. Fathom
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Answer: 1. Decibels.


  • Sound pressure levels are measured in decibels (dB).

  • Decibels are a logarithmic unit used to measure the intensity of sound.

  • The formula for sound pressure level in decibels is:

    Lp=20log10(pp0)L_p = 20 \log_{10}\left(\frac{p}{p_0}\right)


    • LpL_p = sound pressure level in dB,
    • pp = measured sound pressure,
    • p0p_0 = reference sound pressure (typically 20 \mu Pa).

202. MIDI stands for ______.

  1. Music instruction digital interface.
  2. Musical instrument digital interface.
  3. Musical instrumental digital interface
  4. Music instrument digit interface
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Answer: 2. Musical instrument digital interface.


  • MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
  • It is a protocol used for communicating musical information between devices.
  • MIDI does not transmit audio signals but rather instructions like note-on, note-off, pitch, and velocity.

203. Digital audio data is the actual representation of a ______.

  1. Light.
  2. Music
  3. Sound
  4. Noise
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Answer: 3. Sound.


  • Digital audio data is the actual representation of sound.
  • It is created by sampling analog sound waves and converting them into digital form.
  • The process involves:
    • Sampling: Capturing the amplitude of the sound wave at regular intervals.

    • Quantization: Rounding the amplitude values to the nearest integer.

    • The sampling rate is given by:

      fs=1Tsf_s = \frac{1}{T_s}


      • fsf_s = sampling frequency,
      • TsT_s = sampling interval.

204. Digital audio data is also called as ______.

  1. Tracks.
  2. Probable
  3. Examples
  4. Samples
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Answer: 4. Samples.


  • Digital audio data is also called samples.
  • Each sample represents the amplitude of the sound wave at a specific point in time.
  • The number of samples per second is determined by the sampling rate, fsf_s.

205. In Windows, system sounds are ______ files.

  1. .Rar.
  2. .Wav.
  3. .3gp.
  4. .Wmv.
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. .Wav.


  • In Windows, system sounds are stored as .wav files.

  • The WAV format is commonly used for uncompressed audio.

  • The file size of a WAV file can be calculated using:

    File Size=fs×Bit Depth×Channels×Duration\text{File Size} = f_s \times \text{Bit Depth} \times \text{Channels} \times \text{Duration}


    • fsf_s = sampling frequency,
    • Bit Depth = number of bits per sample,
    • Channels = number of audio channels (e.g., stereo = 2),
    • Duration = length of the audio in seconds.

206. MIDI files are ______ than CD quality digital audio files.

  1. Larger.
  2. Too large
  3. Smaller
  4. Equal
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Answer: 3. Smaller.


  • MIDI files are smaller than CD-quality digital audio files.

  • This is because MIDI files contain instructions for playing music rather than the actual audio data.

  • For example, a MIDI file might store a note as:

    Note=(Pitch,Velocity,Duration)\text{Note} = (\text{Pitch}, \text{Velocity}, \text{Duration})

    whereas a digital audio file stores the actual waveform.

207. The sampling frequencies often used in multimedia are ______.

  1. KHz.
  2. MHz
  3. GHz
  4. DHz
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Answer: 1. KHz.


  • The sampling frequencies often used in multimedia are in kilohertz (KHz).

  • Common sampling rates include:

    • 44.1 KHz44.1 \text{ KHz} (CD quality),
    • 48 KHz48 \text{ KHz} (DVD quality).
  • The Nyquist theorem states that the sampling rate must be at least twice the highest frequency in the signal:

    fs2×fmaxf_s \geq 2 \times f_{\text{max}}


    • fsf_s = sampling frequency,
    • fmaxf_{\text{max}} = highest frequency in the signal.

208. The value of each sample is rounded off to the nearest integer known as ______.

  1. Samplization.
  2. Quantification
  3. Quantization
  4. Digitations
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Answer: 3. Quantization.


  • The process of rounding off the value of each sample to the nearest integer is called quantization.

  • Quantization introduces a small error called quantization noise.

  • The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for quantization is given by:

    SNR=6.02×Bit Depth+1.76 dB\text{SNR} = 6.02 \times \text{Bit Depth} + 1.76 \text{ dB}


    • Bit Depth = number of bits per sample.

209. The amount of information stored about each sample is the ______.

  1. Sample no.
  2. Sample size.
  3. Sample volume.
  4. Sample unit
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Answer: 2. Sample size.


  • The amount of information stored about each sample is called the sample size.

  • It is typically measured in bits (e.g., 8-bit, 16-bit).

  • For example, a 16-bit sample size allows for:

    216=65,5362^{16} = 65,536

    possible amplitude values.

210. LEDs operate on ______ frequencies.

  1. Optical.
  2. Infra
  3. Infrared
  4. Electro
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Answer: 3. Infrared.


  • LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) often operate on infrared frequencies.

  • The wavelength of infrared light is given by:

    λ=cf\lambda = \frac{c}{f}


    • λ\lambda = wavelength,
    • cc = speed of light (3×108 m/s3 \times 10^8 \text{ m/s}),
    • ff = frequency.

211. Digitized sound is the ______ sound.

  1. Sampled.
  2. Covered
  3. Diluted
  4. Modified
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Answer: 1. Sampled.


  • Digitized sound is the sampled sound.

  • It is created by capturing discrete samples of an analog sound wave.

  • The sampling process is governed by the Nyquist theorem:

    fs2×fmaxf_s \geq 2 \times f_{\text{max}}


    • fsf_s = sampling frequency,
    • fmaxf_{\text{max}} = highest frequency in the signal.

212. Sample size are ______ bits.

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. 8.


  • Sample sizes are typically 8 bits for basic audio quality.

  • Higher-quality audio uses 16-bit or 24-bit samples.

  • The dynamic range for an 8-bit sample is:

    20log10(28)48 dB20 \log_{10}(2^8) \approx 48 \text{ dB}

213. A 16-bit sample provides a staggering ______ units.

  1. 16,384.
  2. 32,786.
  3. 65,536.
  4. 84,658.
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. 65,536.


  • A 16-bit sample provides 65,536 possible values, as:

    216=65,5362^{16} = 65,536

214. Removing of dead air or blank space from a front of the recording is known as ______.

  1. Trimming.
  2. Cutting
  3. Editing
  4. Erasing
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Answer: 1. Trimming.


  • Removing dead air or blank space from the front of a recording is called trimming.

215. MIDI sounds are typically stored in files with the ______ extensions.

  1. .MDI.
  2. .MID.
  3. .MIDI.
  4. .MDII.
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. .MID.


  • MIDI sounds are typically stored in files with the .MID extension.
  1. Animation.
  2. Encrypting
  3. Modifying
  4. Morphing
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Morphing.


  • The effect where one image transforms into another is called morphing.

217. PAL stands for ______.

  1. Pass alternative line.
  2. Pass alternate line.
  3. Phase alternative line.
  4. Phase alternate line
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Phase alternate line.


  • PAL stands for Phase Alternate Line, a color encoding system used in television broadcasting.

218. HDTV stands for ______.

  1. High defined television.
  2. Higher definition television.
  3. High definition television
  4. Higher defined television.
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. High definition television.


  • HDTV stands for High Definition Television, which provides higher resolution than standard-definition TV.

219. Light comes from an ______.

  1. Electron.
  2. Cathode
  3. Atom
  4. Radium
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Answer: 3. Atom.


  • Light is emitted from atoms when electrons transition between energy levels.

220. VGA stands for ______.

  1. Video graphics array.
  2. Video graph array.
  3. Visual graphics array.
  4. Visual graph array.
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Video graphics array.


  • VGA stands for Video Graphics Array, a display standard for computers.

221. The area on a display device to which a window is mapped is called a ______.

  1. Window.
  2. View port
  3. Coordinate
  4. Section
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. View port.


  • The area on a display device to which a window is mapped is called a viewport.

222. A world coordinate area selected for display is called ______.

  1. Window.
  2. View port
  3. View point
  4. Section
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Answer: 1. Window.


  • A world coordinate area selected for display is called a window.

223. The region against which an object is to clipped is called a ______.

  1. Clipping.
  2. View port
  3. Window
  4. Clip window
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Clip window.


  • The region against which an object is to be clipped is called a clip window.

224. The location of the point relative to the boundaries of the clipping rectangle is called ______code.

  1. Location.
  2. Binary
  3. Region
  4. Area
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Region.


  • The location of the point relative to the boundaries of the clipping rectangle is called the region code.

225. The region code of the clipping rectangle is ______.

  1. 0001
  2. 1000
  3. 1111
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. 0000.


  • The region code of the clipping rectangle is 0000.

226. A region code is a ______ digit binary code.

  1. 16
  2. 8
  3. 4
  4. 2
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. 4.


  • A region code is a 4-digit binary code.

227. All-or none ______ strategy is used to keep all of the string inside a clip window.

  1. Word clipping.
  2. Character clipping
  3. Object clipping
  4. String clipping
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. Character clipping.


  • The all-or-none character clipping strategy is used to keep all of the string inside a clip window.

228. The picture parts to be saved are those that are outside the region is referred as ______clipping.

  1. Outside.
  2. Exterior
  3. External
  4. Extreme
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Answer: 1. Outside.


  • The picture parts to be saved are those that are outside the region, referred to as outside clipping.

229. ______ are used to describe interior properties by partitioning the spatial region containing an object into a set of small, non-overlapping contiguous solids.

  1. Surface rendering.
  2. Surface identifications.
  3. Space partitioning representation
  4. Boundary representations.
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Space partitioning representation.


  • Space partitioning representations are used to describe interior properties by partitioning the spatial region containing an object into a set of small, non-overlapping contiguous solids.

230. ______ generally refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene.

  1. Computer animation.
  2. Visualization
  3. Graphics
  4. Frame work
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Computer animation.


  • Computer animation generally refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene.

231. Analogy with two-dimensional polar co-ordinates the dimensions unit for solid angles is called the ______.

  1. Steradian.
  2. Angle
  3. Solid angle.
  4. Co-ordinates.
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Answer: 1. Steradian.


  • The unit for solid angles is called the steradian.

  • A solid angle is defined as:

    Ω=Ar2\Omega = \frac{A}{r^2}


    • Ω\Omega = solid angle in steradians,
    • AA = surface area of the sphere,
    • rr = radius of the sphere.

232. A ______ model is a method for explaining the properties or behavior of color within some particular control.

  1. Single color model
  2. Color
  3. Light color
  4. Spectral color
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Answer: 2. Color.


  • A color model is a method for explaining the properties or behavior of color within some particular control.

233. The dominant frequency is also called as the ______.

  1. Hue.
  2. Color
  3. Frequency
  4. Wavelength
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Answer: 1. Hue.


  • The dominant frequency is also called the hue.

  • Hue is related to the wavelength of light:

    λ=cf\lambda = \frac{c}{f}


    • λ\lambda = wavelength,
    • cc = speed of light,
    • ff = frequency.

234. The term ______ is used to refer collectively to two properties describing color characteristics: purity and dominant frequency.

  1. White light source.
  2. Purity
  3. Chromaticity
  4. Saturation
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Answer: 3. Chromaticity.


  • The term chromaticity refers to the combination of two properties:
    • Purity: How saturated or vivid a color is.
    • Dominant frequency: The wavelength of light that determines the color.
  • Chromaticity is often represented in a chromaticity diagram, which maps colors based on their hue and saturation.

235. ______ are the most commonly used boundary representation for a 3D graphics object.

  1. Data polygon
  2. System polygon
  3. Surface polygon
  4. Area polygon
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Answer: 3. Surface polygon.


  • Surface polygons are the most commonly used boundary representation for 3D graphics objects.

  • A polygon is a 2D shape defined by vertices and edges.

  • In 3D graphics, surfaces are often approximated using polygons (e.g., triangles or quadrilaterals).

  • The area of a polygon can be calculated using:

    A=12i=1n(xiyi+1xi+1yi)A = \frac{1}{2} \left| \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i y_{i+1} - x_{i+1} y_i) \right|


    • (xi,yi)(x_i, y_i) are the coordinates of the polygon’s vertices.

236. A three-dimensional object can also be represented using ______.

  1. Method
  2. Equation
  3. Point
  4. Line
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Answer: 2. Equation.


  • A three-dimensional object can be represented using equations.
  • For example:
    • A sphere can be represented by:

      (xx0)2+(yy0)2+(zz0)2=r2(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = r^2


      • (x0,y0,z0)(x_0, y_0, z_0) is the center of the sphere,
      • rr is the radius.
    • A plane can be represented by:

      ax+by+cz+d=0ax + by + cz + d = 0


      • a,b,ca, b, c are the coefficients,
      • dd is the constant term.

237. ______ is a simple object space algorithm that removes about half of the total polygons in an image as about half of the faces of objects are back faces.

  1. Wire frame model
  2. Constructive solid geometry methods
  3. Isometric projection
  4. Back face removal
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Back face removal.


  • Back face removal is a simple object space algorithm.

  • It removes polygons that are not visible because they are facing away from the viewer.

  • This is based on the dot product of the surface normal and the view vector:

    If NV>0, the face is visible.\text{If } \mathbf{N} \cdot \mathbf{V} > 0, \text{ the face is visible.}


    • N\mathbf{N} is the surface normal,
    • V\mathbf{V} is the view vector.

238. By which, we can take a view of an object from different directions and different distances.

  1. Projection
  2. Translation
  3. Rotation
  4. Scaling
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Projection.


  • Projection allows us to take a view of an object from different directions and distances.

  • There are two main types of projection:

    • Perspective projection: Objects farther away appear smaller.
    • Orthographic projection: Objects retain their size regardless of distance.
  • The perspective projection formula is:

    xp=xz,yp=yzx_p = \frac{x}{z}, \quad y_p = \frac{y}{z}


    • (x,y,z)(x, y, z) are the 3D coordinates,
    • (xp,yp)(x_p, y_p) are the projected 2D coordinates.

239. The projection that can be viewed as the projection that has a center of projection at a finite distance from the plane of projection is called ______.

  1. Parallel projection
  2. Isometric projection
  3. Perspective projection
  4. Geometric projection
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Perspective projection.


  • Perspective projection has a center of projection at a finite distance from the plane of projection.

  • This creates a realistic view where objects farther away appear smaller.

  • The formula for perspective projection is:

    xp=xz,yp=yzx_p = \frac{x}{z}, \quad y_p = \frac{y}{z}


    • (x,y,z)(x, y, z) are the 3D coordinates,
    • (xp,yp)(x_p, y_p) are the projected 2D coordinates.

240. The surfaces that are blocked or hidden from view in a 3D scene are known as ______.

  1. Hidden surface
  2. Quad tree
  3. Frame buffer
  4. Area buffer
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Answer: 1. Hidden surface.


  • Hidden surfaces are surfaces that are blocked or hidden from view in a 3D scene.
  • Hidden surface removal algorithms are used to determine which surfaces are visible.
  • Common algorithms include:
    • Z-buffer algorithm,
    • Painter’s algorithm,
    • Ray tracing.

241. ______ surface algorithm is based on perspective depth.

  1. Depth comparison
  2. Z-buffer or depth-buffer algorithm
  3. Subdivision method
  4. Back-face removal
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Answer: 2. Z-buffer or depth-buffer algorithm.


  • The Z-buffer algorithm is based on perspective depth.

  • It uses a depth buffer to store the depth (z-value) of each pixel.

  • The algorithm compares the depth of each new pixel with the depth stored in the buffer:

    If znew<zbuffer, update the pixel and depth buffer.\text{If } z_{\text{new}} < z_{\text{buffer}}, \text{ update the pixel and depth buffer.}

242. In ______ year, the Z-buffer algorithm was described.

  1. 1995
  2. 1974
  3. 1945
  4. 1981
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. 1974.


  • The Z-buffer algorithm was described in 1974.
  • It is one of the simplest and most widely used algorithms for hidden surface removal.

243. Z-buffer algorithm is ______.

  1. Simplest algorithm
  2. Largest algorithm
  3. Complex algorithm
  4. Poor algorithm
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Simplest algorithm.


  • The Z-buffer algorithm is the simplest algorithm for hidden surface removal.
  • It is easy to implement and works well for most 3D rendering tasks.

244. The painter algorithm is based on the property of ______.

  1. Polygon buffer
  2. Depth buffer
  3. Frame buffer
  4. Area buffer
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Frame buffer.


  • The painter algorithm is based on the property of the frame buffer.
  • It works by drawing objects from back to front, similar to how a painter paints a scene.
  • Objects are sorted by their depth, and the frame buffer is updated accordingly.

245. ______ type of projection does not have the projection rays parallel to each other.

  1. Axonometric projection
  2. Orthographic projection
  3. Oblique projection
  4. Perspective projection
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Answer: 4. Perspective projection.


  • Perspective projection does not have the projection rays parallel to each other.
  • Instead, the rays converge at a single point (the center of projection).
  • This creates a realistic view where objects farther away appear smaller.

246. ______ are the three principal planes in orthographic projection.

  1. Front, top, profile
  2. Top, front, right side
  3. Back, top, profile
  4. Frontal, horizontal, profile
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Answer: 4. Frontal, horizontal, profile.


  • The three principal planes in orthographic projection are:
    • Frontal plane,
    • Horizontal plane,
    • Profile plane.
  • These planes are used to create 2D views of a 3D object.

247. The painter algorithm was developed in ______.

  1. 1972 by Newell
  2. 1974 by Catmull
  3. 1972 by Evans
  4. 1976 by Evans
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. 1972 by Newell.


  • The painter algorithm was developed in 1972 by Newell.
  • It is one of the earliest algorithms for hidden surface removal.

248. All the hidden surface algorithms employ image space approach except ______.

  1. Back face removal
  2. Scan line method
  3. Depth buffer method
  4. Depth sort method
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Back face removal.


  • All hidden surface algorithms employ an image space approach except back face removal.
  • Back face removal is an object space algorithm.

249. ______ are the two types of projections that give a pictorial view of the object without convergence.

  1. Orthographic and perspective
  2. Perspective and oblique
  3. Oblique and axonometric
  4. Isometric and orthographic
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Oblique and axonometric.


  • Oblique and axonometric projections give a pictorial view of the object without convergence.
  • These projections are often used in technical drawings.

250. The name of a visible surface detection algorithm is ______.

  1. Back face detection
  2. Ray tracing
  3. Back face removal
  4. Area tracing
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Back face removal.


  • The name of a visible surface detection algorithm is back face removal.
  • It removes polygons that are not visible because they are facing away from the viewer.
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