4. Computer Organization and Embedded System
4.1 Control and Central Processing Units
- Control Memory, Addressing Sequencing
- Computer Configuration, Microinstruction Format
- Design of Control Unit, CPU Structure and Function
- Arithmetic and Logic Unit
- Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes
- Data Transfer and Manipulation
- Pipelining, Parallel Processing
4.2 Computer Arithmetic and Memory System
- Arithmetic and Logical Operations
- The Memory Hierarchy
- Internal and External Memory
- Cache Memory Principles
- Elements of Cache Design: Cache Size, Mapping Function, Replacement Algorithm, Write Policy, Number of Caches, Memory Write Ability, and Storage Permanence
- Composing Memory
4.3 Input-Output Organization and Multiprocessor
- Peripheral Devices, I/O Modules
- Input-output Interface
- Modes of Transfer: Direct Memory Access
- Characteristics of Multiprocessors
- Interconnection Structure, Inter-Processor Communication and Synchronization
4.4 Hardware-Software Design Issues on Embedded System
- Embedded Systems Overview
- Classification of Embedded Systems
- Custom Single-Purpose Processor Design
- Optimizing Custom Single-Purpose Processors
- Basic Architecture, Operation, and Programmer’s View
- Development Environment
- Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors
4.5 Real-Time Operating and Control System
- Operating System Basics: Task, Process, and Threads
- Multiprocessing and Multitasking
- Task Scheduling, Task Synchronization
- Device Drivers
- Open-loop and Close-loop Control System Overview, Control
4.6 Hardware Description Language and IC Technology
- VHDL Overview
- Overflow and Data Representation Using VHDL
- Design of Combinational and Sequential Logic Using VHDL
- Pipelining Using VHDL
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