151. In a vectored interrupt
- The branch address is assigned to a fixed location in memory.
- The interrupting source supplies the branch information to the processor through an interrupt vector.
- The branch address is obtained from a register in the processor.
- None of the above.
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. The interrupting source supplies the branch information to the processor through an interrupt vector.
- In a vectored interrupt, the interrupting device provides the address of the interrupt service routine (ISR) to the processor, allowing the processor to jump directly to the correct ISR.
152. A sequence of two instructions that multiplies the contents of the DE register pair by 2 and stores the result in the HL register pair (in 8085 assembly language) is
- XCHG and DAD B
- XTHL and DAD H
- PCHL and DAD D
- XCHG and DAD H
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. XCHG and DAD H
swaps the contents of the DE and HL register pairs, andDAD H
adds the HL register pair to itself, effectively multiplying it by 2.
153. The most relevant addressing mode to write position-independent code is
- Direct mode
- Relative mode
- Indirect mode
- Indexed mode
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Relative mode
- Relative addressing mode uses offsets from the current program counter, making the code position-independent.
154. Which of the following are CISC machines?
- IBM 360
- 68030
- 80386
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- IBM 360, 68030, and 80386 are all examples of CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) architectures.
155. The working of a staircase switch is a typical example of the logical operation
- OR
- Exclusive-OR
- Exclusive-NOR
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Exclusive-OR
- A staircase switch works on the principle of XOR logic, where the output changes state when either of the inputs changes.
156. Which of the following are typical characteristics of a RISC machine?
- Instruction taking multiple cycles
- Multiple register sets
- Highly pipelined
- Both 2 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3
- RISC machines typically have multiple register sets and are highly pipelined to improve performance.
157. A microprogrammed control unit
- Is faster than a hardwired control unit
- Facilitates easy implementation of new instructions
- Is useful when very small programs are to be run
- Usually refers to the control unit of a microprocessor
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Facilitates easy implementation of new instructions
- A microprogrammed control unit allows for easier modification and addition of new instructions compared to hardwired control units.
158. Parallel printer uses
- RS-232C interfaces
- Handshake mode
- Centronics interface
- Both 2 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3
- Parallel printers typically use the Centronics interface and handshake mode for communication.
159. The ASCII code 56 represents the character
- V
- A
- 8
- Carriage return
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. 8
- The ASCII code 56 corresponds to the character ‘8’.
160. The number of possible Boolean functions that can be defined for n Boolean variables over n-valued Boolean algebra is
- ( 2^{n^2} )
- ( 2^{n^2} )
- ( n^{2^n} )
- ( n^{n^2} )
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. ( n^{n^2} )
- The number of possible Boolean functions for n variables is ( n^{n^2} ).
161. The advantage of a single bus over a multi-bus is the
- Low cost
- Flexibility in attaching peripheral devices
- Both 1 and 2
- High operating speed
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2
- A single bus is cheaper and more flexible in attaching peripheral devices compared to a multi-bus system.
162. Which of the following rules regarding the addition of 2 given numbers is correct, if negative numbers are represented in 2’s complement form?
- Add sign bit and discard carry, if any.
- Add sign bit and add carry, if any.
- Do not add sign bit and discard carry, if any.
- Do not add sign bit and add carry, if any.
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Add sign bit and discard carry, if any.
- In 2’s complement addition, the sign bit is added, and any carry is discarded.
163. When INTR is encountered, the processor branches to the memory location, which is
- 0024H
- Determined by the “call address” instruction issued by the I/O device
- Determined by the “RST N” instructions issued by the I/O device
- Both 2 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3
- The processor branches to a memory location determined by either a “call address” instruction or an “RST N” instruction.
164. In which of the following instructions does bus idle situation occur?
- EI
- DAD rp
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. DAD rp
- The
DAD rp
instruction causes the bus to idle while the addition operation is performed.
165. Any instruction should have at least
- 2 operands
- 3 operands
- 1 operand
- None of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. None of the above
- Some instructions, like
, do not require any operands.
166. If the cache needs an access time of 20ns and the main memory 120 ns, then the average access time of a CPU is (assume hit-ratio is 80%)
- 30ns
- 35ns
- 40ns
- 45ns
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. 40ns
- The average access time is calculated as: ( (0.8 \times 20) + (0.2 \times 120) = 40ns ).
167. The number of clock cycles necessary to complete 1 fetch cycle in 8085 (excluding wait state) is
- 3 or 4
- 4 or 6
- 4 or 5
- 3 or 5
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. 4 or 6
- The fetch cycle in 8085 typically takes 4 or 6 clock cycles, depending on the instruction.
168. The seek time of a disk is 30ms. It rotates at the rate of 30 rotations per second. Each track has a capacity of 300 words. The access time is approximately
- 47ms
- 60ms
- 50ms
- 62ms
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. 47ms
- The access time is the sum of seek time, rotational latency, and transfer time. Rotational latency is ( \frac{1}{2} \times \frac{1}{30} \times 1000 = 16.67ms ), and transfer time is negligible. Thus, total access time is ( 30 + 16.67 \approx 47ms ).
169. Motorola’s 68040 is comparable to
- 8085
- 80386
- 80286
- 80486
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. 80486
- The Motorola 68040 is comparable to Intel’s 80486 in terms of performance and features.
170. The possible number of Boolean functions of 3 variables X, Y, and Z such that f(X, Y, Z) = F(X’, Y’, Z’) is
- 8
- 64
- 16
- 32
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. 16
- The number of such Boolean functions is ( 2^{2^{3-1}} = 16 ).
171. Which of the following interrupts is both level and edge sensitive?
- RST 5.5
- RST 7.5
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. TRAP
- The TRAP interrupt is both level and edge sensitive.
172. The difference between 80486 and 80386 is/are
- Presence of floating-point co-processor
- Speed of operation
- Presence of 8 K cache on chip
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- The 80486 has an integrated floating-point co-processor, faster operation, and an 8 K cache compared to the 80386.
173. The addressing mode used in the instruction PUSH B is
- Direct
- Register direct
- Register
- Immediate
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Register direct
- The
instruction uses register direct addressing mode.
174. Which of the following architecture is/are not suitable for realizing SIMD?
- Vector processor
- Von Neumann
- Array processor
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Von Neumann
- The Von Neumann architecture is not suitable for SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations.
175. The total number of possible Boolean functions involving ‘n’ Boolean variables is
- Infinitely many
- ( n^2 )
- ( n^n )
- None of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. None of the above
- The total number of Boolean functions for n variables is ( 2^{2^n} ).
176. If ((11A1B)_8 = (12C9)_16) (C stands for decimal 12), then the value of A and B are:
- 5,1
- 5,7
- 7,5
- None of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. None of the above
- The correct values of A and B are 7 and 5, respectively.
177. Which of the following operations(s) is/are not closed as regards to computers?
- Addition
- Multiplication
- Subtraction
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- All arithmetic operations (addition, multiplication, subtraction) are closed in computers.
178. Which of the following units can be used to measure the speed of a computer?
- Both 2 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3
- FLOPS (Floating Point Operations Per Second) and MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) are used to measure computer speed.
179. If A XOR B = C, THEN
- A XOR B = B
- A XOR B XOR C = 0
- B XOR C = A
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- All the given statements are true based on the properties of XOR.
180. Addressing capability of 8086/88 are
- 64 K
- 2 MB
- 512 K
- 1 MB
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. 1 MB
- The 8086/88 can address up to 1 MB of memory.
181. Bubble memories are preferable to floppy disks because
- Of their higher transfer rate
- Of their reliability
- They consume less power
- Both 2 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3
- Bubble memories are more reliable and consume less power compared to floppy disks.
182. The XOR operation is
- Commutative
- Associative
- Both 1 and 2
- Distributive over AND operator
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2
- The XOR operation is both commutative and associative.
183. Which of the following logic families is well suited for high-speed operation?
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. ECL
- ECL (Emitter-Coupled Logic) is known for its high-speed operation.
184. Which of the following does not have 8 data lines?
- 8085
- 8088
- 8086
- Z-80
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. 8086
- The 8086 has a 16-bit data bus, unlike the others which have 8 data lines.
185. Negative numbers cannot be represented in
- Signed magnitude form
- 2’s complement form
- 1’s complement form
- None of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. None of the above
- Negative numbers can be represented in signed magnitude, 1’s complement, and 2’s complement forms.
186. The addressing mode used in an instruction of the form ADD X, Y is
- Absolute
- Index
- Indirect
- None of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 1. Absolute
- The instruction
uses absolute addressing mode.
187. Which of the following are registers?
- Accumulator
- Program counter
- Stack pointer
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- Accumulator, program counter, and stack pointer are all registers.
188. IBM developed a bus standard for their line of computers ‘PC AT’ called______.
- IB bus
- M-bus
- None of these
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. ISA
- IBM developed the ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus for the PC AT.
189. Which of the following is the programmable internal timer?
- 8251
- 8253
- 8250
- 8275
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. 8253
- The 8253 is a programmable interval timer.
190. Bipolar devices are desirable in the fabrication of which of the following components?
- Main memory
- Microprogram memory
- Cache memory
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- Bipolar devices are used in main memory, microprogram memory, and cache memory due to their speed.
191. A+B can be implemented by
- NAND gates alone
- NOR gate alone
- Both 1 and 2
- None of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2
- Both NAND and NOR gates are universal gates and can implement any logic function, including A+B.
192. Which of the following are the correct statements?
- Bus is a group of information-carrying wires
- Bus is needed to achieve reasonable speed of operation
- Bus can carry data or address lines, a bus can be shared by more than one device
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- All the statements about buses are correct.
193. A number system uses 20 as the radix. The excess code that is necessary for its equivalent binary-coded representation is
- 4
- 6
- 5
- 7
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. 6
- The excess code required for a radix of 20 is 6.
194. Any given truth table can be represented by a
- Karnaugh map
- Sum of product of Boolean expressions
- Product of sum of Boolean expressions
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- A truth table can be represented by a Karnaugh map, sum of products, or product of sums.
195. Which of the following remarks about PLA is/are true?
- It produces product of sum as the output
- It produces sum of products as the output
- It is general
- Both 2 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3
- A PLA (Programmable Logic Array) produces sum of products and is a general-purpose logic device.
196. The first operating system used in microprocessor is
- Zenix
- CP/M
- Multics
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. CP/M
- CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers) was the first operating system used in microprocessors.
197. Which of the following does not need extra hardware for DRAM refreshing?
- 8085
- Z-80
- Motorola-6800
- None of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 2. Z-80
- The Z-80 has built-in DRAM refresh circuitry, so it does not require extra hardware.
198. The advantage of MOS devices over bipolar devices is
- It allows higher bit densities and also cost-effective
- It is easy to fabricate
- Its higher impedance
- All of the above
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. All of the above
- MOS devices are cost-effective, easy to fabricate, and have higher impedance compared to bipolar devices.
199. Which of the following comments about the Program Counter (PC) are true?
- It is a register
- It is a cell in ROM
- During execution of the current instruction, its content changes
- Both 1 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 1 and 3
- The Program Counter (PC) is a register, and its content changes during the execution of instructions.
200. Choose the correct statements from the following
- By scanning a bit pattern, one can say whether it represents data or form
- Whether a given piece of information is data or not depends on the particular applications
- Positive number cannot be represented in 1’s complement form
- Both 2 and 3
Show me the answer
Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3
- The nature of data depends on the application, and positive numbers can be represented in 1’s complement form.