9. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
9.1 Introduction to AI and Intelligent Agent
- Concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- AI Perspectives
- History of AI and Applications
- Foundations of AI
- Introduction to Agents
- Structure of Intelligent Agent
- Properties of Intelligent Agents
- PEAS Description of Agents
- Types of Agents:
- Simple Reflexive, Model-Based, Goal-Based, Utility-Based
- Environment Types:
- Deterministic, Stochastic, Static, Dynamic, Observable, Semi-observable, Single Agent, Multi-Agent
9.2 Problem Solving and Searching Techniques
- Problem Formulation and State Space Search
- Well-defined Problems, Constraint Satisfaction Problem
- Uninformed Search Techniques:
- Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Depth Limited Search, Iterative Deepening Search, Bidirectional Search
- Informed Search:
- Greedy Best First Search, A* Search, Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing
- Game Playing and Adversarial Search:
- Mini-max Search, Alpha-Beta Pruning
9.3 Knowledge Representation
- Knowledge Representation and Mappings
- Approaches to Knowledge Representation
- Issues in Knowledge Representation
- Semantic Nets and Frames
- Propositional Logic (PL):
- Syntax, Semantics, Formal Logic-Connectives, Tautology, Validity, Well-Formed Formula, Inference Using Resolution
- Predicate Logic (FOPL):
- Syntax, Semantics, Quantification, Rules of Inference, Unification, Resolution Refutation System
- Bayesian Networks:
- Bayes’ Rule, Reasoning in Belief Networks
9.4 Expert Systems and Natural Language Processing
- Expert Systems:
- Architecture of Expert Systems, Knowledge Acquisition, Declarative vs Procedural Knowledge, Development of Expert Systems
- Natural Language Processing (NLP):
- Terminology, Natural Language Understanding and Generation, Steps of NLP
- Applications and Challenges of NLP
- Machine Vision and Robotics:
- Concepts, Stages of Machine Vision, Robotics
9.5 Machine Learning
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Learning Concepts:
- Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning
- Types of Learning:
- Inductive Learning (Decision Tree), Statistical-Based Learning (Naive Bayes Model), Fuzzy Learning
- Fuzzy Inference System and Methods
- Genetic Algorithm:
- Genetic Algorithm Operators, Encoding, Selection Algorithms, Fitness Function, and Genetic Algorithm Parameters
9.6 Neural Networks
- Biological vs. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
- McCulloch-Pitts Neuron and Mathematical Model of ANN
- Activation Functions
- Neural Network Architectures:
- Perceptron, Learning Rate, Gradient Descent, Delta Rule, Hebbian Learning
- Adaline Network, Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks, Backpropagation Algorithm, Hopfield Neural Network
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