2. Digital Logic and Microprocessor
2.1 Digital Logic:
- Number systems, logic levels, logic gates, Boolean algebra.
- Sum-of-products and product-of-sums methods.
- Truth tables and Karnaugh maps.
2.2 Combinational and Arithmetic Circuits:
- Multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoders, and encoders.
- Binary addition and subtraction.
- Operations on signed and unsigned binary numbers.
2.3 Sequential Logic Circuits:
- RS flip-flops, gated flip-flops, edge-triggered flip-flops, and master-slave flip-flops.
- Types of registers and applications of shift registers.
- Asynchronous and synchronous counters.
2.4 Microprocessor:
- Internal architecture and features.
- Assembly language programming.
2.5 Microprocessor System:
- Memory device classification and hierarchy.
- Interfacing I/O and memory parallel interfaces.
- Introduction to PPI, serial interfaces, synchronous/asynchronous transmission, and DMA controllers.
2.6 Interrupt Operations:
- Interrupts, interrupt service routines, and interrupt processing.
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