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51. BSP Stands for ______.

  1. Bit Space-Partitioning.
  2. Bit Space-positioning.
  3. Binary Space-Partitioning.
  4. Binary Space-Positioning.
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Answer: 3. Binary Space-Partitioning.


  • BSP stands for Binary Space-Partitioning, a method used in computer graphics to recursively divide a space into two subspaces.
  • It is commonly used for rendering 3D scenes efficiently by organizing objects in a hierarchical structure.

52. The simplest model for a light emitter is ______.

  1. Light source.
  2. Data source.
  3. Open source.
  4. Point source.
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Answer: 4. Point source.


  • The point source is the simplest model for a light emitter, where light is assumed to originate from a single point in space.
  • It is used in basic lighting calculations to simulate light radiating uniformly in all directions.

53. ______ algorithm are broadly classified according to whether they deal with object definitions directly or with their projected images.

  1. Line clipping.
  2. Visible surface detection.
  3. Simple DDA.
  4. Midpoint algorithm.
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Answer: 2. Visible surface detection.


  • Visible surface detection algorithms determine which surfaces of a 3D object are visible to the viewer.
  • They are classified based on whether they process object definitions directly (object-space methods) or their projected images (image-space methods).

54. ______ is applied in an object by pre-positioning along a straight line.

  1. Translation.
  2. Scaling
  3. Rotation
  4. Shearing
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Answer: 1. Translation.


  • Translation is a transformation that moves an object along a straight line by adding a fixed distance to its coordinates.
  • It is used to reposition objects in a scene without altering their size or orientation.

55. A ______ is a transformation that produces a mirror image of an object.

  1. Reflection.
  2. Translation
  3. Shear
  4. Rotation
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Answer: 1. Reflection.


  • Reflection is a transformation that produces a mirror image of an object across a specified axis or plane.
  • It is commonly used to create symmetrical objects or simulate mirror effects.

56. ______ generally refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene.

  1. Computer animation.
  2. Visualization.
  3. Graphics
  4. Frame work.
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Answer: 1. Computer animation.


  • Computer animation refers to the creation of a sequence of visual changes over time to simulate motion or transformation.
  • It is widely used in movies, video games, and simulations.

57. A world coordinate area selected for display is called as ______.

  1. Window.
  2. Window-to-viewport.
  3. Viewport
  4. Viewing transformation.
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Answer: 1. Window.


  • A window is a rectangular region in the world coordinate system that is selected for display.
  • It defines the portion of the scene that will be mapped to the viewport on the screen.
  1. Liang-Barsky Line Clipping.
  2. Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl Line Clipping.
  3. Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping.
  4. Line Clipping using Nonrectangular Clip window.
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Answer: 3. Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping.


  • The Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping algorithm is one of the oldest and most popular methods for clipping lines against a rectangular window.
  • It uses region codes to efficiently determine which parts of a line lie inside or outside the clipping window.

59. A commonly used image space approach to detect visible surface is______.

  1. Buffer depth method.
  2. Polygon surface method.
  3. Surface rendering method.
  4. Depth buffer method.
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Answer: 4. Depth buffer method.


  • The depth buffer method (or Z-buffer method) is an image-space approach for visible surface detection.
  • It compares the depth (Z-value) of each pixel to determine which surfaces are visible.

60. An illumination model is also called as______.

  1. Lighting model.
  2. Shading model.
  3. Surface model.
  4. Rendering model.
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Answer: 1. Lighting model.


  • An illumination model (or lighting model) describes how light interacts with surfaces to produce color and shading effects.
  • It is used to simulate realistic lighting in computer graphics.

61. The scattered light is called as______.

  1. Specular reflection.
  2. Ambient light.
  3. Source light.
  4. Defuse reflection.
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Answer: 4. Defuse reflection.


  • Diffuse reflection refers to the scattering of light in all directions when it strikes a rough surface.
  • It is responsible for the even illumination of objects and is independent of the viewer’s position.

62. The area subdivision method takes advantage of area coherence in a scene by location of those view areas that represent the part of a______.

  1. Double surface.
  2. Triple surface.
  3. Single surface.
  4. Area surface.
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Answer: 3. Single surface.


  • The area subdivision method divides the viewing area into smaller regions and identifies those regions that represent a single surface.
  • It leverages area coherence to simplify visible surface detection.

63. Orthographic projection that displays more than one face of an object is called ______.

  1. Axonometric orthographic projection
  2. Orthographic axonometric projection
  3. Projection axonometric orthographic.
  4. Projection orthographic axonometric.
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Answer: 1. Axonometric orthographic projection.


  • Axonometric orthographic projection is a type of orthographic projection that displays more than one face of an object.
  • It is commonly used in technical drawings to provide a 3D view of an object.

64. Spotlights are used to control the amount of light emitted within a cone with apex at ______ source position.

  1. Line.
  2. Object.
  3. Point
  4. Out
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Point.


  • Spotlights emit light within a cone-shaped region, with the apex of the cone at the point source position.
  • They are used to create focused lighting effects in scenes.

65. An area on a display device to which a window is mapped is called as______.

  1. View map.
  2. Path map.
  3. View port.
  4. Path graph.
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Answer: 3. View port.


  • A viewport is the area on a display device where the contents of a window are mapped and displayed.
  • It defines the region of the screen where the image will appear.

66. The scaling transformation alters the size of an______.

  1. Vector.
  2. Edge
  3. Side
  4. Object.
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Answer: 4. Object.


  • Scaling is a transformation that changes the size of an object by multiplying its coordinates by scaling factors.
  • It can enlarge or reduce the object uniformly or non-uniformly.

67. The set of unit vectors is called______.

  1. Vector basis.
  2. Orthogonal basis.
  3. Normal basis
  4. Base vectors.
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Base vectors.


  • Base vectors are a set of unit vectors that define the coordinate axes in a vector space.
  • They are used to represent directions and orientations in 2D or 3D space.

68. A matrix with a single row or a single column represents a______.

  1. Vector.
  2. Square
  3. Row vector.
  4. Column vector.
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Answer: 1. Vector.


  • A matrix with a single row or column is called a vector.
  • It represents a quantity with both magnitude and direction in space.

69. The matrix with same number of rows and columns is called as______.

  1. Square matrix.
  2. Column matrix.
  3. Row matrix.
  4. Row, column matrix.
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Answer: 1. Square matrix.


  • A square matrix has the same number of rows and columns.
  • It is commonly used in transformations, such as rotation and scaling.

70. Vector V is called the______.

  1. World coordinate.
  2. Fixed-size.
  3. View up vector.
  4. Direction
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Answer: 3. View up vector.


  • The view up vector defines the upward direction in a 3D viewing system.
  • It is used to orient the camera and determine the orientation of the scene.

71. The region against which an object is to be clipped is called as______.

  1. World coordinate.
  2. Clip window.
  3. View port
  4. Boundaries
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Answer: 2. Clip window.


  • The clip window is the region in the world coordinate system against which objects are clipped.
  • It defines the visible area of the scene.

72. The two-dimensional viewing transformation is simply referred to as the window-to-viewport transformation or the______.

  1. Viewing pipeline
  2. Windowing transformation.
  3. Transformation.
  4. World coordinates:
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. Windowing transformation.


  • The windowing transformation maps the contents of a window in the world coordinate system to a viewport on the display device.
  • It ensures proper scaling and positioning of the image.

73. A standard method for fitting a function to a set of data points is called as ______ algorithm.

  1. Fitting.
  2. Straight-line
  3. Least-squares
  4. DDA
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Answer: 3. Least-squares.


  • The least-squares algorithm is a standard method for fitting a function to a set of data points by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between the observed and predicted values.

74. The three color parameters in HLS color model are ______.

  1. Hue, lightness and saturation.
  2. Hue, light and saturation.
  3. Height, lightness and saturation.
  4. Hue, lightness and scaling.
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Answer: 1. Hue, lightness and saturation.


  • The HLS color model represents colors using three parameters: hue (the color itself), lightness (brightness), and saturation (intensity).

75. The depth-buffer method is also called as ______.

  1. A-buffer.
  2. C-buffer
  3. Z-buffer
  4. W-buffer.
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Z-buffer.


  • The depth-buffer method is also called the Z-buffer method, as it uses a buffer to store the depth (Z-value) of each pixel.

76. CSG stands for

  1. Constructed Solid Geometry.
  2. Construct Solid Geometry.
  3. Concatenate Solid Geometry.
  4. Constructive Solid Geometry.
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Answer: 4. Constructive Solid Geometry.


  • CSG stands for Constructive Solid Geometry, a technique used to create complex 3D models by combining simpler shapes using Boolean operations.

77. The most straight forward method for defining a motion square is ______ specification.

  1. Higher.
  2. Complete
  3. Indirect
  4. Direct
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Answer: 4. Direct.


  • The direct specification method defines motion paths explicitly by specifying the coordinates of key points.
  • It is the simplest and most straightforward approach.
  1. Raphson.
  2. Newton
  3. Root
  4. Newton-raphson.
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Newton-raphson.


  • The Newton-Raphson algorithm is a widely used iterative method for finding roots of nonlinear equations.
  • It converges quickly to the solution when an initial guess is close to the root.

79. Curve-fitting techniques are often used to specify the animation paths between ______.

  1. Two elements.
  2. Two positions.
  3. Key frames
  4. Key elements.
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Key frames.


  • Curve-fitting techniques are used to define smooth animation paths between key frames, which represent important positions or states in the animation.

80. ______ description is a typical task in an animation specification.

  1. Vector.
  2. Scene
  3. Frame
  4. Action
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Answer: 2. Scene.


  • Scene description involves defining the objects, lighting, and camera positions in an animation.
  • It is a fundamental task in animation specification.

81. ______ system allows object motion characteristics to be specified as part of the object definitions.

  1. Parametric.
  2. Specialized
  3. Adjustable
  4. Parameterized
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Answer: 4. Parameterized.


  • A parameterized system allows motion characteristics (e.g., speed, direction) to be defined as part of the object’s properties.
  • This simplifies the creation of dynamic animations.

82. We can also animate object along 2D motion paths using the ______ transformations.

  1. Table-color.
  2. Coordinate origin.
  3. Color-table
  4. Fixed point
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Answer: 4. Fixed point.


  • Fixed-point transformations are used to animate objects along 2D motion paths by specifying a fixed reference point.
  • This ensures smooth and consistent motion.

83. Constant-intensity shading is also called as ______ shading.

  1. Intensity.
  2. Constant
  3. Flat
  4. Polygon
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Answer: 3. Flat.


  • Constant-intensity shading (or flat shading) assigns a single color to each polygon, resulting in a flat appearance.
  • It is computationally efficient but lacks smooth gradients.

84. A fast and simple method for rendering an object with polygon surfaces is called as ______ shading.

  1. Intensity.
  2. Constant
  3. Constant-intensity.
  4. Polygon
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Constant-intensity.


  • Constant-intensity shading is a fast and simple rendering method for polygon surfaces.
  • It is commonly used in real-time applications where performance is critical.

85. Procedure for determining visibility of object edges are referred to as ______ visibility methods.

  1. Surface.
  2. Window
  3. Wireframe
  4. Background
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Wireframe.


  • Wireframe visibility methods determine which edges of an object are visible in a wireframe representation.
  • They are used to render 3D objects as a network of lines.

86. A drawback of the depth-buffer method is that it can only find one visible surface at each ______ position.

  1. Depth.
  2. Visible
  3. Display
  4. Pixel
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Pixel.


  • A limitation of the depth-buffer method is that it can only store one visible surface per pixel.
  • This makes it unsuitable for rendering transparent or overlapping surfaces.

87. The A-buffer has two fields, the depth field and ______ field.

  1. Surface.
  2. Accumulate
  3. Intensity
  4. Pixel
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Intensity.


  • The A-buffer (anti-aliased buffer) stores both the depth and intensity of each pixel.
  • It is used to improve image quality by reducing aliasing effects.

88. The A-buffer has two fields, the ______ field and intensity field.

  1. Surface.
  2. Accumulate
  3. Depth
  4. Pixel
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Depth.


  • The A-buffer stores the depth and intensity of each pixel to support anti-aliasing and transparency.

89. The parallelepiped is mapped into the unit cube in a normalized view volume called the ______ system.

  1. Normalized coordinate projection.
  2. Normalized coordinate.
  3. Coordinate projection.
  4. Normalized projection coordinate.
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Normalized projection coordinate.


  • The normalized projection coordinate system maps a parallelepiped into a unit cube for simplified clipping and transformation operations.

90. The emissive displays are devices that convert ______ energy to light

  1. Electrical.
  2. Magnetic
  3. Mechanical
  4. Wind
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Answer: 1. Electrical.


  • Emissive displays (e.g., OLED, plasma) convert electrical energy into light, producing bright and vibrant images.

91. The emissive displays are devices that convert electrical energy to ______.

  1. Light.
  2. Magnetic
  3. Mechanical
  4. Wind
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Light.


  • Emissive displays generate light directly from electrical energy, eliminating the need for a backlight.

92. The non-emissive displays are devices that convert ______ to graphics pattern.

  1. Sunlight.
  2. Magnetic
  3. Mechanical
  4. Wind
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Sunlight.


  • Non-emissive displays (e.g., LCDs) rely on external light sources, such as sunlight or backlighting, to produce images.

93. The non-emissive displays are devices that convert sunlight or light from other sources to ______.

  1. Graphics pattern.
  2. Mechanical
  3. Magnetic
  4. Wind
Show me the answer

Answer: 1. Graphics pattern.


  • Non-emissive displays modulate external light to create graphics patterns, making them energy-efficient but dependent on ambient light.

94. ______ is also called as gas-discharge displays.

  1. LED.
  2. Plasma panel
  3. LCD
  4. CRT
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. Plasma panel.


  • Plasma panels are also known as gas-discharge displays because they use ionized gas to produce light.

95. RGB color system with 24 bits of storage is also called as ______ color system.

  1. False.
  2. Full
  3. Half
  4. Finite
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Answer: 2. Full.


  • The RGB color system with 24 bits (8 bits per channel) is called the full-color system, as it can represent millions of colors.

96. A three dimensional reflection can be performed relative to a selected reflection axis or with respect to a selected ______.

  1. Rotations.
  2. Matrix form
  3. Reflection plane
  4. Edges
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Reflection plane.


  • A 3D reflection can be performed relative to a reflection axis or a reflection plane, which defines the mirroring surface.

97. ______ modeling packages often provide a number of construction techniques.

  1. Scale.
  2. Solid
  3. View
  4. Coordinate
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. Solid.


  • Solid modeling packages provide various construction techniques, such as extrusion, sweeping, and Boolean operations, to create 3D models.

98. ______ representations are useful for constructing 3D objects that possess translational, rotations or other symmetries.

  1. Buffer.
  2. Periodic
  3. Sweep
  4. Spline
Show me the answer

Answer: 3. Sweep.


  • Sweep representations are used to create 3D objects by moving a 2D shape along a path, making them ideal for objects with translational or rotational symmetry.

99. The primary output device in a graphics system is ______.

  1. Joy stick.
  2. Light pen
  3. Key board.
  4. Monitor
Show me the answer

Answer: 4. Monitor.


  • The monitor is the primary output device in a graphics system, displaying the rendered images and visual content.

100. The operation of most video monitors is based on the standard ______.

  1. Cathode ray device.
  2. Cathode ray tube.
  3. Cathode device
  4. Cathode rode.
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. Cathode ray tube.


  • Most traditional video monitors operate using a cathode ray tube (CRT), which uses an electron beam to illuminate phosphors on the screen.

100. The operation of most video monitors is based on the standard ______.

  1. Cathode ray device.
  2. Cathode ray tube.
  3. Cathode device
  4. Cathode rode.
Show me the answer

Answer: 2. Cathode ray tube.


  • Most traditional video monitors operate using a cathode ray tube (CRT).
  • CRTs use an electron beam to illuminate phosphors on the screen, creating images.
  • This technology was widely used in older televisions and computer monitors.
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