1. Concept of Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1.1 Basic Concept
- Ohm’s law, electric voltage, current, power, and energy.
- Conducting and insulating materials.
- Series and parallel electric circuits.
- Star-delta and delta-star conversion.
- Kirchhoff’s law.
- Linear and non-linear circuits.
- Bilateral and unilateral circuits.
- Active and passive circuits.
1.2 Network Theorems
- Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, and maximum power transfer theorem.
- R-L, R-C, and R-L-C circuits.
- Resonance in AC series and parallel circuits.
- Active and reactive power.
1.3 Alternating Current Fundamentals
- Principle of alternating voltage and current generation, equations, and waveforms.
- Average, peak, and RMS values.
- Three-phase systems.
1.4 Semiconductor Devices
- Semiconductor diode and its characteristics.
- BJT configuration and biasing, small and large signal model.
- Working principles and applications of MOSFET and CMOS.
1.5 Signal Generator
- Basic principles of waveform generators.
- Oscillators: RC, LC, and Crystal Oscillators.
1.6 Amplifiers
- Classification of output stages: Class A, Class B, and Class AB stages.
- Biasing, power BJTs, transformer-coupled push-pull stages, tuned amplifiers, and op-amps.
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